中國大陸吳郭魚出口概況儘管惡劣天候及供應問題造成吳郭魚死亡率攀高,2011年中國大陸吳郭魚出口量及產值仍較2010年成長2.3%及10%。2011年冷凍魚片出口量及產值則持續衰退15%及3.6%;所幸喀麥隆、象牙海岸、安哥拉、剛果、迦納、那租辦公室米比亞、奈及利亞及貝南等非洲國家,自去年開始自中國大陸進口1,000-8,000公噸的整隻冷凍吳郭魚,彌補不少衰退缺口。2010年每公斤出口均價為1.66美元,2011年因市場需求攀升漲至1.88美元。中國大陸銷往美國及墨西哥兩大市場分別成長買屋26%及35%。冷凍魚片原為傳統出口大宗(2010年囊括58%),2011年則由整隻冷凍魚領先(佔48%)。中國大陸出口美國成績不甚理想,2011年美國對魚片的需求自2010年的111,436公噸跌至85,173公噸,再加上人民幣走強,以致2011年每公斤出口均價永慶房屋站上4.20美元(2010年為3.70美元)。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 7/2012,16 April 2012) Despite harsh weather conditions and supply problems related to high mortality rates, Chinese exports of tilapia registered a 租辦公室2.3% growth in quantity with a 10% increased in value last year compared to a year ago. Along the trend throughout 2011, frozen fillet exports continued the downward trend with a -15% decline in exports (and a 酒店兼職-3.6% decline in value). The loss was somewhat compensated by higher supplies of whole frozen tilapia to African nations. Cameroon , Cote d’Ivoire , Angola , DR Congo, Ghana , Namibia , Nigeria and Benin imported 房屋二胎between 1,000 MT to 8,000 MT more whole frozen tilapia from China in 2011 from a year ago. Average export prices strengthened with the strong demand reaching US$ 1.88/kg in 2011 from US$ 1.66/kg registered in 2010. 室內裝潢Exports to the two major markets,US and Mexico were also higher by 26% and 35% respectively. The frozen fillet sector which traditionally took the largest share of exports (58% in 2010), is losing out to whole 售屋網frozenexports constituting 48% in 2011. Exports took a historical dip to the US , the largest market for fillets reaching 85,173 MT from 111,436 MT in 2010. Prices, further strengthened by the stronger yuan, was 西裝外套possibly a factor with average export prices standing at US$4.20/kg in 2011 from US$3.70/kg the year before.

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